Hello and welcome! I'm Heather, a former chef, and caterer that now shares my love for cooking and teaching here on the internet!

A Little Background
I grew up in southern Oregon, with a big love for food and trashing my mom's kitchen any chance I got. Every holiday, special event, or even regular Sunday dinners were spent with lots of family, good eats and laughter-- something I strive to keep alive with my own family.
I left southern Oregon to attend school in Utah with the intent to pursue a medical career, but quickly learned that I DID NOT want to be in school for as long as was needed and I needed to come up with a plan B!
During this time it just so happened that I had been watching a lot of Food Network in my college dorm and yearned to cook something other than the Pasta Roni I had been sustaining myself with.
Once I discovered there was a great culinary arts school in the neighboring town to where I was living, I called off pre-med and said hello to cooking school!
I graduated in 2004 with an AAS in Culinary Arts from Utah Valley University. I was 5 months pregnant with my first child at graduation and if I have any bit of advice to give it's not to get pregnant while attending cooking school!
I'll just say that morning sickness and working in a professional kitchen do not go very well together. I did, however, love going attending school and would go back and do it again in a heartbeat!
Professional Career
Immediately after graduation, I worked as a Baker and Cake Decorator for a local bakery making dessert cakes, wedding cakes, and pastries, and an Assistant Chef in the kitchen of an upscale rehabilitation facility.
I eventually started my own Catering and Cake Decorating Business. I rented commercial kitchen space from a local inn, catered events, hired my friends to help me, and made more cakes than I can count. It was a good time! I even single-handedly fulfilled an order for 72 dozen cinnamon rolls at one point!
How I Started Blogging
In the summer of 2010, I was still catering and needed somewhere to publish some recipes that my clients had requested. I had already established a Blogspot (remember that?) as a sort of portfolio site for my cakes and decided to utilize it for recipes as well.
It didn't take long before I was getting visitors to these recipes from all over the country and I realized that I could actually make something of blogging! Thus, Heather Likes Food was born!
Creating and running this website has been a wild ride! I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it, but it's been such a blessing in so many different ways.
Not only have I been able to make an income while being able to stay home with my kids, but I've also been able to travel and support my husband through many years of school, all while doing something I love-- sharing good food with others!
My Family
I'm a mom to 2 girls (14 and 10 years), a rambunctious 6-year-old boy, and one 2-year-old Goldendoodle dog-child that makes me both love and hate him every day.
My husband is a psychologist at a local University and together we're pretty stinkin' thrilled with the life we're able to share together. We live in the Salt Lake City area of Utah and are slowly renovating the 25-year-old house we bought last year. Very slowly.
About Me
I'm a cheese popcorn junkie. I don't exercise as much as I should. I have too many purses. I'll never turn down a plate of fried zucchini. I like more nuts in my chocolate chip cookies than chocolate and I once made Kenny Loggins a sandwich.
I also LOVE food. Like, a lot. If you haven't noticed.
About Heather Likes Food
My goal on this website is to share the ultimate recipes of your favorite foods, help you learn the basics of cooking, and give you the power to become a total rockstar in your kitchen.
I firmly believe that with a little know-how anyone can become a great cook and that small skill has the potential to bring joy and light into so many lives.
Amazing food has the power to bring families, friends, and communities together. We celebrate with food, find comfort with good food, and grieve with it as well.
Here I share my tried and true recipes that have been made time and time again in my kitchen and in the kitchens of my friends and family.
My recipes have been featured on sites like BuzzFeed, Redbook, and Good Morning America, I've developed recipes for brands like Anolon and I've also had food + travel pieces published on TODAY, The Daily Meal, and Huffington Post.
Let's Connect!
As you cruise the site I hope you'll comment and feel free to shoot me an email or message on Facebook if you have any questions, comments, concerns or if you are interested in working together. You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, and I’d love to see one of your original photos if you whip up one of my recipes! #heatherlikesfood on Instagram!
Thanks again for reading!
x- Heather
Work With Me
Heather Likes Food is about sharing my love of cooking with others, but it’s also a growing business. Let’s work together! If you feel your brand or product would be a good fit for my blog and readers, please contact me at heather@heatherlikesfood.com.
The following opportunities are available
- Professional Recipe Development.
- Sponsored Posts
- Long-term sponsorship/brand or product ambassadorship
- Food Photography and Styling
- Giveaways and Product Reviews
- Conference Ambassadorship.
- Travel Writing.
Media Kit Available By Request
All Photographs © Heather Likes Food 2021 and may not be used without express written permission.