Texas Toast Griddle Burgers - Grilled cheese sandwiches and I are BFFs and when I bought a loaf of Texas toast to make french toast with (if you've never done that, you need too!) I decided that needed to make a grilled cheese with it. And then, before I knew it, I had hamburger patties sizzling away on the griddle and burger sauce mixed up. That day was a goooood lunch day. Too bad I was the only one home.
How to Make Texas Toast Griddle Burgers
These Texas Toast griddle burgers are super simple to get going and satisfy that I-want-a-burger-grilled-cheese-hybrid craving that I everybody gets. Am I right? The trick here is to make your patties super thin, like as thin as you can make them. I like to use an ice cream scoop to portion out the patties into ⅓ C portions.
Buttering the bread is not optional, btw. If you want a lettuce wrap, kindly go elsewhere.
Sizzle sweet patty, sizzle.
Top your Texas Toast Griddle Burgers with all your favorite fixings. I made a simple burger sauce made with mayonnaise, ketchup, and sweet pickle relish and put lettuce and tomato on the burger. Oh, and american cheese is totally the way to go here.
This is some serious lunch here.
Happy friday!
Texas Toast Griddle Burgers
- 1 lb lean ground beef
- 2 tablespoon mayonnaise
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon dried dill weed
- 2 teaspoon lemon pepper seasoning
- 12 Slices Texas Toast Bread
- Lettuce
- Tomato
- 6 slices american cheese
- ¼ C Ketchup
- ¼ C Mayonaise
- 1 tablespoon sweet pickle relish
- ¼ teaspoon dried dill weed
- Mix all ingredients for the patties together and divide into ⅓ cup portions. Press each portion into a thin patty. Cook on a griddle or large frying pan until cooked through or done to your liking- about 3 minutes per side. Add a slice of cheese on top towards the end of cooking to let melt.
- Butter 1 side of each piece of bread and cook along side the patties until golden brown and toasted.
- Combine mayo, ketchup, relish, and dill weed.
- Assemble the burgers with one patty on a piece of toast topped with tomato and lettuce. Spread about a tablespoon of the sauce on another slice of the toast and top the sandwich with it. Serve hot!
Nutrition Facts
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