This fruit cutting technique is on my top-ten list of favorite kitchen tips that I've ever learned and I want to be sure you know how to do it too! If you love summer watermelon and want an easy and efficient way to cut it, this post is for you!

Are you ready for a life changing moment?
I realize that a whole post on how to cut a watermelon may seem a little trivial, but stick with me.
When I learned this handy little trick I felt like there wasn't a fruit or vegetable I couldn't conquer with my knife. Fruit Ninja! Ready to take on things like snickerdoodle peach cobbler or a curry with lots of vegetables!
I LOVE watermelon, but every time I used to cut it I hated the amount of time it took to cut each slice into square pieces for salads, skewers, etc. But, no more! This trick gives you a whole watermelon cut into perfectly square pieces of watermelon in 7 steps. Do you believe me?
Here's How We Do It
Step 1. Pick A Ripe Melon
You've got to start with a good melon- not because it will make cutting your watermelon easier, but because eating it will be more enjoyable, right?
I know there are lots of ideas floating around about how to pick the perfect melon and I've used several of them (knocking, smelling, etc). But the technique that works best for me is a combination of color and weight.
I always look for the darkest melon with a light or bright ripening spot. The longer the melon sits on the ground, the riper/sweeter (in theory) it will be.
I also look for is how heavy it is in proportion to its size- the heavier the better. Once you have a ridiculously heavy, dark green melon with a bright ripening spot you should be good to go!
Now that I've gotten you all riled up about picking the perfect melon, I might mention that the one I used for pictures was awful! It was dry and mealy and you'll notice in some of the pictures the meat was cracked throughout. Eh. Not the last watermelon I'll ever buy!
Step 2: Cut the watermelon into fourths long-ways
You want the watermelon cut into four large, equal wedges.
Step 3: Start making horizontal cuts
Using a sharp and somewhat long knife, make a horizontal cut across one section of melon going straight through to the rind. Repeat, moving down the melon until you have 3 or 4 horizontal lines depending on how small you want your pieces.
Step 4: Wash, Rinse and Repeat
Turn the same section of melon around and repeat on the other side.
Step 5: Cut top to bottom to make cubes
Make vertical cuts starting from the top going straight down to the rind. Continue across the entire piece.
Step 6: Cut along the rind
This step is probably the trickiest of them all. Use your knife to make a cut around the base of the melon. I start on one side and then do the same to the other.
You're now loosening all of the little squares of melon from the rind.
Step 7: Tip and Dump
Here's the fun part! Tip your cut watermelon over a big bowl and watch all of the little squares fall ever-so-gracefully into your bowl.
Depending on how well you cut through the bottom, you may end up with a few stragglers. Trim them off and you're good to go!
Repeat with the remaining 3 sections and you'll have yourself a perfectly cubed watermelon.
I love that I only end up with FOUR big pieces of rind to throw away!
If you've tried this technique I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!
ivory howard says
I didn’t have any expectations concerning that title, but the more I was astonished. The author did a great job. I spent a few minutes reading and checking the facts. Everything is very clear and understandable. I like posts that fill in your knowledge gaps. This one is of the sort.
Kim Beaulieu says
I love this post. This is the perfect way to cut a watermelon.
Heather says
Thanks Kim, I agree wholeheartedly... obviously, haha! Glad you stopped by!